Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Leaving Quest- Thank You Parents!

Hi Parents,

I have re-opened my blog this morning to tell you all how much I am going to miss you. I have accepted a principal position in D11. Vera Scott Elementary will be my new home.

I have so much enjoyed working with you around how to support the kids at Quest. I loved meeting with you- even when some of you were upset about something.

I hope I was able to support you- my belief is that the school is a small part of the journey for those kiddos and you are in it for the long haul- so we need to do everything we can to be there for you.

Just know you can always keep in touch with me- I will miss you!

Michael Roth

Friday, May 20, 2011

Goodbye Class of 2015

The year rushed to a close this week. Today the halls are empty, teachers are packing up things, and it is quiet- really quiet around here. Time to refresh our staff, time to reflect and look back.

Lots to remember in my first year in administration. I found our graduating class to be wonderful. As the year went on I watched them grow and stretch in amazing ways. Here are a few things stated by three of them at the continuation...

"What we have before us is the future leaders that can help lead us to a better tomorrow... Class of 2015, join me in our continuing efforts for the greater good of not only the smaller communities, but of the world!"Robert Iriye

"We should all live life while we have it in our hands...we want to achieve and not quit... we have all made goals for ourselves ... and we are on the path to success." Eric Trinidad

"Changing the world might be a long process, but in the end, little things can make a big difference." Meley Gebresellassie

Hats off to you the class of 2015! Keep in touch

Sunday, April 17, 2011

2nd Graders Vow to Change the World!

As you walk down the vibrant halls of Aurora Quest I warn you to keep focused on your destination. If your eyes venture to the left or the right, something may just catch your eye and hold you captive for a while- you may even forget where you were going! I saw the wonderful campaign posters on the hallway near the primary pod and these words caught me... "I will make the world a better place."

Every day I am reminded of the potential that our students carry with them- they have extreme awareness of the world around them. They are saddened by the plight of dogs at the Dumb Friend's League- or the child soldiers in northern Uganda. We believe the students at Quest have what it takes to make a difference in the world around them...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Young Tolkien, Young Lewis

There are two authors that produced endless hours of adventure me as a young boy. I loved the Lord of the Rings trilogy and to this day cannot help but show lots of excitement when the Chronicles of Narnia are mentioned (see post in December).

So today I saw something that Mia and Abbie were working on in 4th grade and it blew me away. I saw them construct a map of the world they created and it was awesome! Here is a picture of their work. Their story includes some vicious fire ants- and an evil queen black widow (who is really gray). The mountains separate the two kingdoms and there is plenty of conflict. I really appreciated the key on the side.

Throughout the school students are creating stories that are full of creativity and wonder. Ask them- what are you working on these days...

It is wonderful.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring Weather

It was great last night seeing parents and students at the Barnes & Nobles book fair. We had entertainment from music to drama... we had crafts... and we had our fabulous librarian! In addition, I was greeted this morning with a tree outside my window that is awesome! There are bees on it right now going from flower to flower- I am posting it with the flags in the background (I love our flags).

Students and Parents- we are winding up this school year. I want you to squeeze as much out of each day we have together- cherish the day- seize the day- and take opportunities to express appreciation for those who have worked hard all year.

Life is precious.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Mark Ludy, Author and Friend to Quest

Thanks to the hard work of one of our teachers, Dr. Bass, we had a special guest visit Quest- he spoke to our students and captivated them with inspiring messages like, "It is not good to be redundant." Once again what he said was, "It is not good to be redundant."
He said that we are all communicators- and that artists start from the inside out... His words were encouraging and funny.
The thing I liked the most was his hairstyle. It was like having a long lost brother show up on campus. He had an enthusiastic passion for what's best for kids. I was inspired.

He has created several books. Learn more at his website.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Today Einstein came to Quest. A a dynamic 6th grade team found a way to bring him here- maybe they had a time machine. Quest students not only excel in math and science- they can give presentations like professionals. Today they shared this presentation in front of 600 students!!! Daisy wrote the script for our assembly today and if I could I would submit it for an Oscar nomination. It had humor, it had interaction, and it had practical advice. These students displayed leadership by taking an issue and creating an experience that will impact every teacher and student at Quest. They have organized district personnel to come to install new switches (so we can - they have created a recognition program for classroom teachers- they even shared how our school could earn $6,000 next year through energy savings!

So here are a couple of their points:
  • Unplug electrical items when they are not in use
  • Remove unnecessary bulbs
  • Use energy efficient bulbs
So we all have so much to be proud of today!